Know More About Us
Our team is dedicated to helping in the difficult process of saving your home. We are a team of experts who have decades of experience.
Meet The Team
Our Super Heros
Reggie BrooksAgent #1
Reggie Brooks has earned the respect of the real estate investment community because of his many real estate investment accomplishments. Growing up poor in Los Angeles gave Reggie a unique insight into foreclosure and other financial turmoil. Because of his experience in poverty, he dedicated himself to helping others in financial strife. His work continues.
Dr. Albert LowryAgent #2
He is recognized throughout the real estate industry as the “authority” on foreclosure, and helping people stay in their homes. He became known as the “experts’ expert” because the number of famous people he helped out of foreclosure.
Phyllis Williams Agent #3
She has worked in the customer service field for over 30 years. She fills a critical area in our organization that requires a certain joy for helping people. You can rely on Phyllis to calm your nervous heart, while helping to guide you through the “Home Saving” process.